A program that teaches children how to diffuse conflicts verbally, without the use of violence.
Every child experiences bullying, but not every child is equipped with the tools to overcome it. The AMA Bully Barrier is a 3-month program that empowers children with the non-violent techniques of martial arts and the verbal assertiveness strategies to neutralize bullying before it spirals out of control.
The Process
Step 1: Creating Awareness
A victim might not speak up occasionally if they can’t tell the difference between humor and bullying. Hence, in order for your child to know precisely when and how to act in each situation, we teach them to distinguish between constructive play and destructive pestering.
Step 2: Building Confidence and Self-Assurance
Bullies look for “easy targets”—those who will put up with their treatment. With our Bully Barrier program, your child will be so secure in themselves that no bully will try to bother them once we give them the skills they need to overcome psychological, physical, and verbal abuse.
Step 3: Learning How To Cope
We teach kids how to avoid becoming a bully by preparing them to cope with such people. Throughout the training, we emphasize on respect, responsibility, and discipline. We also teach five “Rules of Engagement” to make sure they never abuse their position of authority.
Water Bottle
Sports Shoes
Sweat Towel
Extra Clothes
5 Rules of Engagement:
- Never initiate or engage in a fight.
- If physically attacked, defend yourself.
- If verbally attacked, follow the Three T-steps (talk, tell, tackle).
- Establish control and negotiate without resorting to physical violence.
- When applying submissions, use minimal force and negotiate.

Programs for Every Age
The AMA Bully Barrier program separates kids by age AND experience levels, so that no child feels overwhelmed; instead, they get the perfect balance of fun and challenge in their weekly classes. All kids start off in entry-level programs for their age group, and as soon as they reach a certain level of maturity, they are promoted to the next training program.